Landscaping, garden upgrades
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Landscaping, garden upgrades & Outdoor Designing

We provide landscaping services such as, zen garden, patios, verandas, gazebo, pergola, bbq space design, conservatory and gardens. Our prime focus is in creating a pleasing ambience in a natural setting to enhance the scenic surrounding mirroring client's lifestyle. We consider client's unique tastes and preferences while adding our distinctive landscaping touch and value to their property. Our team of experts in landscape architecture for both residential and commercial arena have a wealth of knowledge and experience to create a blooming environment surrounding their property.

Contact Us
  India Office :
104/2 Ballupur Chowk, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) - 248001, (INDIA)

 Mobile : +91 - 8979643948
 Mobile : +91 - 8979643948

 Landline : +91 - 135 - 3140901

  UAE Office :
Level 17, World Trade Center, Khalifa Bin Zayed the First Street - Abu Dhabi, (UAE)

Aks Design Services, OFF 413 - 590, Arjumand Offices & Retails Dubai Investment Park First, Dubai, (UAE)

AKS Design LLC, Shams Business Center, Sharjah Media CIty Free Zone, AL Messaned Sharjah, (UAE)

 Mobile : +971 - 547636457
 Mobile : +971 - 547636457

  UK Office :

 Mobile : +44 - 7405916851, 7466284761
London (UK)
 Mobile : +44 - 7405916851, 7466284761
London (UK)

 E-mail :